Mabel Magazine

I am so delighted to have a photograph of mine printed in the pages of the beautiful magazine created by co-founders Stefanie Renee and Liz Kalloch. Mabel Magazine, Issue Number 4 just came out and I received my copy last week. Sharing a few images below of the day I received my copy in the mail! My family went up to a favorite hill in our town as I was testing out my new lens and camera and it was the perfect time to also take a few moments of appreciation. I’ve been working hard on my photography over the years, and seeing my photo in this magazine was meaningful validation. In the issue, you’ll find stories from artists about the work they do, how committed they are to following their passions, illustrations, photographs, regular column features. The stories are heartfelt and true, honest and real. I invite you to order a copy and see for yourself!



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Mabel Magazine-