I originally wrote this blog post for Jamie Ridler’s Circe’s Circle alumni website, Creative Dream Journals. Reposting here to my own site.

I never could have imagined what was ahead when I picked those first oranges. If I had, maybe I wouldn’t have begun. It’s been a lot of hard work, more than I ever imagined. But isn’t that often the way? We start with what’s easy, and avoid what’s hard. At least I often do. For me, starting, literally meant harvesting that first tree. And then the second, and the third. I had no idea at that time how many thousands of pounds of fruit I would harvest in the years ahead.

Carolyn- Courtyard BYH apples


IMG_4413 IMG_0706 tomatoes and hands apples_on_truck IMG_1925 Earth Day (15)In collaboration with community members and various organizations, we started a program that was adopted by our county’s Food Bank. From the first tree I harvested in 2010, to when this article was originally written in 2013, our community collectively donated 265,881 pounds of fresh local produce to people in need in our county — food otherwise wasted for a variety of reasons. Real food harvested equals real people fed.

Each harvest is unique with different connections between volunteers, farmers, growers and homeowners, who donate crops large and small. While gleaning, I photographed the fruit trees, row crops, fields and orchards. But I realized how much I preferred documenting the people who picked with us, capturing moments of them picking the first apple off a tree, harvesting a variety of peach they’ve never heard of, and meeting new like-minded friends. I always finish a glean with a group photo which brings everyone together after the hard work. People typically ask at the end, “when is the next harvest?” which I take as a good sign.

In gleaning, I’ve not only helped feed hungry people, but also my soul. One of my bios says, “helping others is often the best medicine.” What I mean by that is if you’re stuck in a rut, you’ll often feel better when helping others. I learned that from my family while I was growing up. From this work, I’ve found that I enjoy giving back to the community not only from harvesting, but through my images which can be shared.  When I look back to those first oranges I harvested, I never knew that a few years later, I’d be calling myself a photographer.

-Carolyn Eicher

Thank you to my dear friend Jill who is printing a series of my images to frame for her office. This is one of them. 

Inspired by the lovely Deb Taylor whom I met online in photography classes with Vivienne McMaster, Deb photographs a collection of rocks with inspiring words created by Kim de Broin Mailhot  also known as “the rocky fairy.” I purchased a grab bag of assorted rocks with words from Kim’s Etsy shop at Queen of Arts Studio, and share these with friends, for my daughter’s 13th birthday, friends who are getting married, anyone who needs an uplifting message. Perhaps I could have painted some rocks myself, but the fact is, I love to support other artists, and share their goodness with friends…


I don’t think I ever shared that six of my images were selected out of thousands received for an e-book that Haagen-Daaz created a few summers ago. So thrilled to see that some of my favorite images from that summer were selected.
Haaagen Daaz 6

I love the community that forms from photography classes, online or in person. I have had the wonderful experience of taking a photography class in the city where I live, and enjoy seeing my teacher around town, and other people from my class, people from different jobs, all ages, different interests. A few recently retired folks are now venturing into their new hobby; one young college student is studying photography to capture her boyfriend’s skateboarding adventures. All of us seeking a creative life, documenting moments to remember, kids, grandchildren, travel, daily life. I walk down the street and wave to the businessman whose work I admired, photos from a big adventurous trip, something I’d never imagine if passing him on a street, a very conventional seeming person.

And then there’s the new class I’ve been taking –28 moments, taught by the lovely Michelle GD, and the beautiful community of women. Photo below snapped for the class and shared online. Just me, a morning cup of tea and my sweet dog, Maggie.maggie and a cuppa